The largest buildings in Kazakhstan!

 The largest number of large buildings in Kazakhstan are in the capital Astana and only a few large buildings are located in Almaty. But the largest building in Kazakhstan is still under construction in Astana, this “Abu Dhabi Plaza". Once completed, this complex will become the tallest building in Central Asia. The complex will house: a hotel, residential apartments, a shopping center, a winter garden and much more. The height of the complex will be 382 meters.


  • "Emerald Quarter" is the tallest building in Kazakhstan and is located in Astana. The tallest tower is 210 meters.
  • Residential complex "Northern Lights 1" Made in high-tech style, Astana has a height of 180 meters. The modern 44-story skyscraper “Temir Zholy” has a height of 175 meters and has become a new landmark of the city.
  • Building "TRANSPORT TOWER" also located in Astana and has a height of 155 meters.
  • Residential complex "Northern Lights 2″ is located on the water-green boulevard of the city of Astana and has a height of 152 meters.

Ayahuasca - a drink that facilitates states of inner awakening, direct connection with the world of spirits and is a tool for achieving an expanded state of consciousness.

Ayahuasca ceremonies are usually held at night and continue until the effects of Ayahuasca wear off. Once the space has been prepared and blessed by the shaman leading the ceremony, Ayahuasca is offered to the participants, sometimes divided into several doses. After consuming Ayahuasca, most people begin to feel its effects within 20 to 60 minutes. The effects are dose dependent and may last 2–6 hours.

  • "Khan-Shatyr" A large shopping and entertainment complex in Astana has a height of 150 meters including the spire.
  • In the historical center of Astana there is a complex "Grand Alatau" which has a height of 144 meters.
  • Residential complex 144 meters high "Triumph of Astna" located in the center of Astana. In Astana, there are still buildings whose height is over 100 meters: the Northern Lights 3 residential complex and the Capital residential complex.
  • The southern capital of Almaty cannot boast of an abundance of high-rise buildings, and yet the very first high-rise building was built in Almaty in 1974. This Hotel "Kazakhstan" the height of the hotel is 102 meters.
  • And only in 2008 the tallest building in Almaty was built "Esentai Tower" , with a height of 168 meters. There are two more buildings in Almaty whose height reaches 100 meters: the Almaty Towers 1 building and the Almaty Towers 2 building.

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