What does the city of Karkaralinsk represent?

The city of Karkaralinsk is located 224 kilometers from Karaganda. The city was founded in 1824 as the administrative center of Karkaraly district; it was a military outpost of Tsarist Russia in Central Kazakhstan. Today Karkaralinsk is a resort town that delights many tourists who have visited here with its natural beauty. Karkaralinsk mountains, forests, lush vegetation of valleys, beautiful and mysterious lakes - all this makes a huge impression on everyone who has been here at least once. Cliffs, mountains, lakes and valleys have interesting names, which were given to them by the people for their unusual beauty and mystery. There is also Sokolinaya peak, Olenya mountain, Red Beard hill, Red Rock cliff, and Shaitan-kol lake. A tourist route has been laid to the mysterious Lake Shaitan-Kol. The easiest route is considered to be from the Shakhtar Holiday Home to Devil's Lake. This route is really easy and walking along it with children you can see a lot of interesting and wonderful things: the quiet river Karkaralinka, clean t__2009_177_121springs and high cliffs. Your trip to the lake can be not only pleasant, but also useful; here you can pick up mushrooms, raspberries, and strawberries.

Lake Shaitan-Kol located in the mountains and surrounded by forest, as if hiding from human eyes. There are all sorts of stories about this lake, many of them are like fairy tales. Another attraction of Karkaralinsk is Lake Basin. This amazing creation of nature resembles a rectangle. This stone bowl with steep edges, filled with the purest water, is called the Pool.

Picturesque nature, gentle sun, clean pine air, warm water of the lakes - all this contributes to a wonderful holiday in Karkaralinsk. For your comfortable stay there are holiday homes such as “Cascade”, which is located near Lake Samal. The Tas-Bulak mountain hotel, located in the city itself, is ready to welcome you on vacation in Karkaralinsk.

The Zhemchuzhina holiday house and the Shakhtar holiday house, located on Lake Pashino, will also be happy to host you on holiday.

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