Agriculture of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is located in the depths of the Eurasian continent, its territory occupies 2724,5 thousand sq. km. In terms of area, it is in second place among the CIS countries and ninth in the world. Situated over a large territory, Kazakhstan remains the most sparsely populated country in the world. The main population of Kazakhstan lives in cities; this is 57% of the total population.

 From the history of agricultural development in Kazakhstan.

In the early 50s, the government of Kazakhstan, in order to solve the food program, decided to increase the acreage and began the development of virgin lands. The lands of northern Kazakhstan fell under this program. These were lands of risky agriculture, with poor soil and insufficient moisture.

In August 1954, 6,5 million hectares were plowed in Kazakhstan, and by the beginning of 1955, the area of ​​plowed land increased by 8,5 million hectares and 90 new state farms were organized. Over the years of development of virgin lands, significantly 85daa1d8bafbc5c734c9d5ab0249800earable land and the presence of state farms increased. To implement this program, significant labor resources were attracted, who were given significant benefits. In 1956, a record grain harvest of 125 million tons was harvested, half of which was harvested on virgin lands. In general, the development of virgin lands has turned Kazakhstan into one of the largest grain producers in the world. In the former Soviet Union, Kazakhstan was one of the main producers of meat, wool and grain. In the 90s, agriculture in Kazakhstan, like other sectors of the economy, was in crisis.

 Today, agriculture in Kazakhstan is one of the key sectors of the economy. Agriculture in Kazakhstan has enormous potential and large reserves. Today Kazakhstan uses 21.5 thousand hectares of arable land and ranks sixth in the world in terms of this indicator. The area for sowing grain crops in 2015 is planned to be placed on 15,2 million hectares, including wheat - about 12,2 million hectares, oilseed crops are planned to be placed on an area of ​​2,2 million hectares, fodder crops - on 3,7 million hectares. The country has a very high rate of agricultural production per capita. And in wheat production the republic is second only to

Canada. Agriculture in Kazakhstan today includes more than 40 thousand enterprises. These are mainly small farms. With the development of farms in Kazakhstan, the number of livestock is expected to increase. Poultry farmers have achieved some success. Today there are about 38 factories: 12 “meat” and 26 “egg” factories, which produce more than 4 billion eggs annually. And this is far from the limit; the country plans to increase the number of factories that will fully meet Kazakhstan’s need for poultry meat. Since ancient times, Kazakhstan has been famous for its developed livestock farming. Main types of livestock

The republic's main activities include sheep and cattle breeding, as well as horse and camel breeding. In some regions, pig breeding and deer breeding are developed.

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