Factories in Kazakhstan

Today, industry plays a huge role in the economy of Kazakhstan. The share of industrial production is about 30% of the total gross domestic product. Almost 20% of the total population employed in the economy work at industrial enterprises in Kazakhstan. Industrial enterprises are fully provided with their own raw materials, which contributes to their development.

So in Kazakhstan, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy is developed, each of which produces 12% of the total industrial production, mechanical engineering in Kazakhstan in the total industry is 8%, chemical, oil, gas, textile, light industry are also developed, and the production of building materials is developed.

There are over 46 chemical plants in Kazakhstan.

There are three factories in Petropavlovsk: Ainaline Too; Astana Nan Too regional office in Petropavlovsk; SK-Trade LTD LLP. There is also one gas company located here, this is SIB-KAZ-GAZ LLP for the production and distribution of gas and coal. One factory of electrical household appliances Behemoth. Two machine-building plants are the Petropavlovsk Heavy Engineering Plant JSC and the Northern Machine-Building Plant LLP; oil refinery Ugol-NORD LLP and jewelry plant-Titan LLP. The city has many enterprises producing various products and four enterprises related to the pharmaceutical industry.

In Aktyubinsk there are 2 chemical plants: the Aktobe Chromium Compounds Plant OJSC and the Vzyrvtekhnologii plant, as well as a plant for electrical household appliances and 4 oil refineries: TRADE PETRO-GAS oil products, BATYS-MUNAY oil and oil products, Caspian Oil TME, AGRATEX BIO LLP oil products. The city has a network of enterprises producing furniture, optics, pipes and much more.

Almaty has the largest concentration of chemical plants, there are 12 of them. These are plants such as: ABZHKR LLP. Agrochemistry, Alatau-V LLP, Agalgama S industrial chemistry, APPAK, Explosion technologies, pictureKazatomprom, Kazphosphate, Nichrome, Promvzryv, Spetskhimprodukt 21 and the CLARIANT CONSULTING AG plant.

Almaty also has gas processing plants: Oktan-Gaz, Standard Gas and LP-GAZ; 6 electrical appliance factories, 16 engineering factories, 8 oil refineries, one glass factory and one jewelry factory. In Almaty there are many enterprises producing various products and materials, 5 shoe factories, 56 enterprises producing furniture, packaging production is established in 11 enterprises, 2 pulp and paper mills, five clothing factories. The pharmaceutical industry is represented by 12 enterprises in the city.

There are two chemical plants in Semey: ALFOM, a production of elastic furniture. polyurethane foams and ONAL OJSC. As well as a hosiery factory, 2 garment factories, 2 gas companies, 3 mining enterprises, and the electrical industry is represented by 3 enterprises: ERTIS-Electronics, Sulpak 681489Electronics TOO and Screen TOO.

Four chemical plants are located in Karaganda: the Vertex-Initiatives plant, Maxam Kazakhstan, Stroyplastmass, AZIA-HAIER, oxygen, as well as one tannery, 5 engineering plants, 3 foundries, one oil refinery and two jewelry factories. There are 20 mining enterprises, 4 metallurgical enterprises, 4 enterprises are engaged in the production of rubber products, and the pharmaceutical industry is provided by 6 enterprises.

There are two chemical plants in Kokshetau: Astana-NAS LLP regional representative office in Kokshetau and a household chemicals plant. and one gas processing plant, the city's steel enterprises are engaged in the production of glass, furniture, detergents, packaging production and more.

There are two chemical plants in Pavlodar: the Pavlodar Chemical Plant and the Pavlodar Oil-Chemical Plant, as well as two machine-building plants. The rest of the city's industrial enterprises are occupied

Pavlodar oil-chemical

Pavlodar oil-chemical

production of glass, pipes, furniture, there is one knitting factory, one gas company and the pharmaceutical industry is represented by two enterprises.

There are five chemical plants in Astana: Kazatomprom, Kazroskhim, Poliplast-Kazakhstan, Ramut Corporation, Syngenta Kazakhstan. There are also two gas processing plants, 4 oil refineries and one jewelry plant. The remaining industrial enterprises are engaged in the production of household chemicals, household appliances, the production of children's goods, the production of furniture and much more. The pharmaceutical industry is represented by two enterprises.

There are 4 chemical plants in Temirtau: the Oxygen-T oxygen plant, argon carbon dioxide; Temirtau Electrometallurgical Plant, TRACK and TUTAS. The city also has 5 gas processing plants and one machine-building plant.

There are three chemical plants in Ust-Kamenogorsk: Orika Kazakhstan, Remstroypolymer, Teknik EXPO. There is also one gas company, one electrical appliances plant, one machine-building plant, 3 oil companies, one oil producing company, 5 enterprises are engaged in the production of medicines, there are 5 metallurgical companies and many enterprises of the city are engaged in the production of consumer goods.

There are two chemical plants in Shymkent: the Republican Research Center for Safety in Chemical DGP and Yuzhnotechprom LLP. There is also one gas processing plant, one oil refinery and two jewelry factories. The remaining enterprises are engaged in the production of carpets, medicines, furniture, detergents and much more. The pharmaceutical industry is represented by 8 enterprises. IN such cities of Kazakhstan  Taraz, Atyrau, Zyryanovsk, Saran and Alga each have one chemical plant.

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