Solar thermal power plant: advantages and disadvantages

Heating your home's water using solar thermal energy is one of the best ways to save on energy costs. 

As a manufacturer of solar street lights, we attach great importance to all kinds of renewable energy solutions. Solar thermal heating is one of our main directions in the future.

Why? Not only can solar thermal systems provide many benefits to the environment, they can also save millions in utility costs. Today there are more than 54 operating solar thermal power plants in the world. Let's work together to help governments increase this number.

In this article, you will learn how important and easy it is to operate a solar thermal power plant.

What is Solar Thermal Power Plant?

A solar thermal power plant is a large energy production facility that uses the sun's energy to produce electricity. The electricity is then transferred to the grid for consumption in homes, buildings, factories and other facilities.

Let's understand how it works before we move on to listing the pros and cons.

How is it different from other traditional power plants

Compared to the way coal-fired power plants and hydroelectric dams produce electricity, little has changed. In these traditional power plants, you simply need to generate steam to power a turbine. The turbine is then connected to a generator, which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

However, in coal-fired power plants, you need to burn coal to collect steam. On the other hand, solar thermal power systems use harvested solar energy to boil a medium to produce steam. This principle distinguishes it from other traditional methods of generating electricity.

The collector-receiver principle

Moreover, understanding how solar thermal power plants work is very simple.

When you look at a solar thermal power plant, you see hundreds of rotating mirrors or reflectors that follow the path of the sun and direct its rays to the receiver. The receiver contains a special type of liquid, a gas or liquid, that evaporates into superheated steam when exposed to intense solar heat. This liquid can be water, oil, salts, air, nitrogen, helium, etc.

Pros: The Good Side of Solar Thermal Power Plants

Solar thermal power plants have many advantages, some of which can be compared to the benefits of solar energy. In this list, we have included some of its unique advantages over other solar systems.


This simply means that solar energy will never be depleted from the face of the earth. Compared to fossil fuels, coal, oil, natural gas, which are traditionally used to generate electricity and will eventually cease to exist, solar energy is always available - for now, of course. Not unless you live 5 billion years in the future before the sun dies!

Fossil fuels will eventually run out, so we need to become less reliant on them

Because we are so dependent on coal, natural gas and crude oil, the last 200 years have been tough on Mother Nature.

If we continue to use fossil fuels to heat our homes, power, run our cars, and even generate electricity, when do we expect them to run out? Recent statistics from Statista show that oil will run out in just 53 years, gas in 52 years, and coal in 150 years.

Reduces carbon footprint

Fossil fuels release carbon dioxide when burned, which further depletes the ozone layer. This is why with solar thermal power plants we can potentially reduce carbon emissions and be less dependent on fossils.

Solar thermal power plants are more environmentally friendly

Since solar thermal plants do not rely on burning coal or natural gas to produce steam, they are environmentally friendly. By not burning natural resources, we can potentially reduce greenhouse gas emissions that destroy the ozone layer.

Additionally, we can improve air quality and reduce climate change mitigation.

Open 24/7 a day

Solar thermal systems can also generate electricity even 24 hours a day. Unlike solar photovoltaic systems and wind systems, solar thermal systems can provide constant power. This is one of the reasons why concentrated solar power (CSP) plants can provide reliable and uniform baseload power.

Energy storage is made possible by solar thermal power plants thanks to molten salts in reservoirs. These tanks are specialized, insulated storage facilities for storing molten salts overnight. The molten salts store heat and are pumped into a steam generator to boil water at night when needed.

Cons: downside of solar thermal power plant

Listed below are some of the major disadvantages of solar thermal power plants.

Expensive cost of equipment

The main disadvantage of concentrated solar power plants is that the capital and maintenance costs are higher than other power plants. This is even more expensive than solar photovoltaic installations. The study shows that the levelized cost of electricity for a solar thermal power plant ranges from $119 to $251 per MWh. Whereas solar PV systems only cost between $50 and $60 per MWh.

Solar power plants require large spaces

Solar thermal systems require large installation areas. They must also be in an area with very high levels of radiation. This means it cannot be built near residential or commercial areas.

Requires a lot of water to work

Solar thermal power plants require tons of water to operate, which can be a problem if they are located in desert areas.

Threat to wildlife

Because solar thermal plants use hundreds of massive mirrors, this can have a negative impact on desert wildlife and could endanger species.


As you can see, there are many advantages of solar thermal power plants. However, there are also disadvantages that make it difficult for the government and private corporations to decide whether it is a viable investment.

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