Tourism in Almaty

Tourism in Almaty is so diverse that it is simply impossible to cover all types, especially since every year new types of tourism appear, so we will tell you about the most popular types of tourism in Almaty.

 Ecological tourism in Almaty.

On the territory of the Almaty region there are: Ile-Alatau National Natural Park, Altyn-Emel National Natural Park, Charyn National Natural Park, Zhangar-Alatau State National Natural Park, Kolsai Lakes State National Natural Park. As well as the reserves of Kazakhstan Almaty and Alakol state reserves. These protected areas are completely excluded from economic use. The territories of national parks are used for recreation and tourism in Kazakhstan, but protected areas have restrictions on visiting places by tourists.IMG_9366-Kaindy-e

Kolsai Lakes is a national park in Kazakhstan, located in the Raiymbek and Talgar districts of the Almaty region. The park territory is located on the northern slope of the Kungei Alatau ridge in the eastern part of the Northern Tien Shan. Kolsai lakes are called the pearl of the Northern Tien Shan; these are three picturesque mountain lakes, the two lower lakes are surrounded by spruce trees, alpine meadows and mountain pastures. The upper lake is located among the rocks. For tourists, a visit to Lake Kaindy will be especially interesting; it was formed as a result of an earthquake, a landslide blocked the gorge and water flooded the gorge along with coniferous trees. And today this lake is a magnificent sight that attracts thousands of tourists.

Charyn National Park is interesting for its canyons. The Charyn Canyon stretches for 154 kilometers along the Charyn River. The Charyn Canyon is considered unique not only in Kazakhstan, but throughout the world. Nature has been creating this masterpiece for many centuries. The canyon was formed as a result of a fracture in the earth's crust about 30 million years ago.

Local travel agencies organize tours to interesting places in Almaty, by contacting them you can organize your vacation. One of the many travel agencies in Almaty -NAP travel agency Almaty is located in Almaty, Kabanbay Batyr St. 122 telephone for inquiries +7 (727) 272-83-33, 272-74-44, 272-21-57

 Sports tourism in Almaty.

There are all conditions for the development of sports tourism in Almaty. What is it worth just the world famous skating rink "Medeo"! Numerous tourists come here to relax at the skating rink, and for those who love skiing, there is an equally famous one just above ski resort "Chimbulak". The Trans-Ili Alatau Mountains are a good place for active recreation, where you can realize your plans for hiking. There are many picturesque gorges in the Almaty region where you can have a good rest. Many tourists from abroad enjoy0_2_Vyhodnoi_den_na_katke_Medeo

visit the Issyk gorge, where the ostrich farm is located. While visiting the farm, you can also visit the magnificent arboretum of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, and taste exotic dishes made from ostrich meat in the cafe.

Medical and health tourism Almaty

Almaty sanatoriums are the best suited for medical and health tourism in Almaty. After all, this is relaxation and treatment in a picturesque place, in the foothills of the Trans-Ili Alatau. Where the air in the mountains is filled with freshness and coolness, in the sanatoriums of Almaty you can receive a large complex of sanatorium-resort treatment. Your stay at the resorts will be spent in comfortable rooms, among attentive staff.

 Beach tourism in Almaty.

The favorite vacation spot of Almaty residents in summer is the Kapchagay reservoir, which is located near the city. On the shore of the Kapchagai reservoir there are a lot of holiday homes and recreation centers, there are about 150 of them. But you can also relax as a savage, for this you will need to rent an apartment from local residents for a very reasonable fee. In the city itself there are many cafes and restaurants of various levels, and there is a casino. The Kapchagay water park is especially popular, where you can relax all day, as it is a whole complex of entertainment attractions and recreational facilities.

 Museum tourism in Almaty.

 While in Almaty, you should definitely visit the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. More than two hundred thousand monuments of material and spiritual culture have been preserved in museums. Here you can plunge into the history of Kazakhstan from different periods. Visit the times of the formation of the first states, the development of nomadic culture, the creation of cities and mass migrations of people on the territory of the current republic. . The city of Almaty also houses the Museum of Nature of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For the attention of visitors, a large collection of fossilized animals that once lived on the territory of Kazakhstan is presented. There are more than 18 museums in Almaty, so lovers of museum tourism will find an exciting trip for themselves.

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