Types of tourism in Kazakhstan

Types of tourism in Kazakhstan. Since Kazakhstan is becoming more and more popular in the field of tourism among foreign citizens, all conditions for active and useful recreation are created for them. There are several tourism destinations in Kazakhstan. For example, in recent years the popularity of business tourism has grown in the republic.

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The first type of tourism is business tourism. Business tourism in Kazakhstan is developing at a rapid pace, as the Republic becomes centers of various international exhibitions and events. In 2011, Kazakhstan hosted the Asian Winter Games in the cities of Almaty and Astana. Very often, very important international negotiations and meetings are held in the capital of the state, which attract a large number of foreign employees who can become potential tourists. And in recent years, a lot has been said about Kazakhstan, which attracts people for business tourism and more.1356501738_artleo.com-34315
The second type of tourism in Kazakhstan. This health tourism in Kazakhstan, which is also gaining popularity and is among the priorities for the development of this industry. And all because on the territory of Kazakhstan there are springs famous for their healing properties. There are several balneological resorts and therapeutic sodium bicarbonate mineral waters in the republic. Such resorts are very popular among citizens of Russia and Germany and other foreign countries.
The third type of tourism – educational tourism. As mentioned above, Kazakhstan is becoming known more and more, so the door to the ancient cities and ancient culture of the Central Asian state opens for cultural connoisseurs. Where historically valuable architectural monuments are concentrated. For example, the cities of Turkestan and Sairam are famous for their historical buildings of antiquity.
Sports tourism in Kazakhstan is also popular, but more likely in winter than in summer. Since Kazakhstan has world-class ski resorts, and the Chimbulak ski resort is generally included in the TOP 15 best ski resorts on the planet, by the way, not for the first time. Kazakhstan is home to a huge mountain system – the Tien Shan Mountains. They are very popular among professional climbers and ski slope enthusiasts.
The 4 most popular tourism vectors in Kazakhstan were listed.

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