Countryside places of Almaty

Suburban places of Almaty are of interest not only for those who have never been to Almaty, but also for those who have not vacationed in the suburban area of ​​Almaty for a long time, and perhaps even while living in Almaty, were not interested in the fact that there are a lot of interesting, beautiful and unusual.

 Many local travel agencies organize out-of-town tours to Almaty. An excursion to the Besh-Shatyr necropolis will be very interesting and exciting for both Almaty residents and guests of the southern capital. Besshatyr are the royal burial mounds, which are located in the Altyn-Emel State National Park and are its main attraction. The name Besshatyr is translated as five tents, perhaps this is due to the fact that five large royal burials were discovered on this territory. Huge hills, the largest of which reaches 17 m in height and 104 m in diameter, are the burial places of Saka leaders and

commanders of the 7th - 3rd centuries. BC The Besshatyr necropolis is considered a shrine of the ancient Saks, who lived in the first century BC on the territory of Kazakhstan.

 Tamgaly petroglephs, which were discovered in the Anrakhai mountains located 170 km from the city of Almaty. And they are considered a landmark of the Almaty suburban area. Tamgaly in translation means a generic sign. Tamgaly is a real gallery of ancient ancient art; several periods of history are reflected here. Over 4000 drawings dating back to the Bronze Age, the early era of nomadic settlements and the period of Turkic tribes were discovered. Tamgaly petroglyphs are a world heritage and are protected by UNESCO.

 A trip to the Charyn Canyons will be very interesting. Charyn Canyon is a real natural monument. It is located 195 kilometers east of Almaty on the territory of the Charyn National Park, almost on the border with China. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe rocks are very interesting in their shape and resemble fantastic figures. Having descended to the bottom of the canyon, you can relax in the shade of a rare ash plant and enjoy the freshness of the Charyn River. When you finish your journey through the canyon, you will probably go up and look at the canyon once again. The view from the top is very beautiful and the canyon appears in a new light.

 If you don’t want to travel so far and prefer an active holiday in the mountains, then for a country trip holidays in Almaty a trip to Medeo or 835843"Chimbulak". If your vacation coincides with the work of the skating rink (October-April), then skating at the Medeo mountain skating rink will give you great pleasure. And in the Chimbulak resort area, ski lovers will be able to realize their desire to ski.

 For exotic lovers, you can visit the Fauna ostrich farm, which is located 55 kilometers from Almaty. This is the first ostrich farm that breeds these magnificent ostrich birds. During its existence, the farm was visited by thousands of tourists from all over the world. While visiting the farm, you can also visit the magnificent arboretum of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, which is located near the farm. In the arboretum cafe you can taste ostrich meat dishes according to recipes from the best chefs in the world.

 For those who love fish, you can visit a trout farm in the countryside file_1311771993_968078466Almaty. In the Kaskelen Gorge, in the mountains of the Trans-Ili Alatau, this amazing place is located, the Aksu Trout trout farm. Until recently, trout was considered an exclusively royal dish, but today, thanks to such farming, you can not only enjoy the taste of royal fish, but also catch the fish yourself for dinner or lunch. In the country recreation center "Aksu Forel" this valuable fish is grown in specialized ponds created using the latest world technologies. Trout from the farm's ponds is an environmentally friendly product, and the skillfully prepared fish by local chefs is simply a masterpiece of culinary art.

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