Nature reserves of Kazakhstan

Nature reserves in Kazakhstan are owned by the state. In 1892, the first law was passed to protect wildlife, and in 1926, the first reserve of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, Aksu-Dzhabagly, was formed. The purpose of creating the reserve was to preserve natural conditions for the habitat of rare animals and birds, as well as plants. Today there are 10 reserves in Kazakhstan.

Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve was created in 1926 and is located in the South Kazakhstan region, in the northern part of the Western Tien Shan, in the Tulkubas district, the village of Zhabagly. The total territory is 75000 hectares. The climate is moderate continental. There are mountain lakes such as Kyzylzhar, Kyzylkenkol, Ainakol, Oymak, Tompak and Koksakkol, and the Aksu and Zhabagly rivers flow through. The flora is rich and diverse. The most common are mountain coniferous forests, rock and scree vegetation. More than 23 species of fruit trees grow here 280px-Aksu_Jabagly_2trees: pear, apple tree, rowan, blackberry, serviceberry, hawthorn, apricot, etc. Also in the Aksu-Dzhabagly nature reserve grow ornamental plants: tulips, irises, eremurus, saffron, columbine, bathing suits, rose hips, etc. The fauna is also diverse, there are more than 330 species of vertebrates, including 50 species of mammals. The most frequently encountered predator is the brown bear. In addition to argali and bear, the reserve is home to 5 more Red Book species: snow leopard, porcupine, Turkestan lynx, bandage and stone marten. There are three zones in and around the reserve. In the first zone, tourism is prohibited; it is a specially protected area of ​​the Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve. The second zone is allowed for tourism and the third zone is a buffer zone where hunting is prohibited. Permission to enter the reserve can be obtained from the administration of the reserve. There are many tourist attractions here; 10 tourist routes have been developed around the Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve.

Korgalzhinsky National Reserve was created in 1968, located 130 kilometers southwest of the city of Astana. The reserve is located in the Tengiz-Korgalzhin depression, the total area of ​​the reserve zone is 259,9 thousand hectares. In the Korgalzhinsky reserve there are two large lakes, Tengiz and Korgalzhin; in total, these lakes are the reserve. The reserve is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as part of the Saryarka site. The Nura River flows through the reserve. The climate is sharply continental. In the flora korgalzhyn-tour1The reserve is dominated by grasses, and in general there are 350 species of higher plants. About 15 species of shrubs grow, which are found mainly in floodplain thickets of rivers - these are shrubby willows, rose hips, and honeysuckle. On the lakes you can find mainly plants that are adapted to salty soils - these are various solyankas, kermeks, and swedes. There are also rare and endemic plants here, a total of 45 species that require special protection, these are plants such as: yellow water lily, pure white water lily, Schober's saltpeter. Among the red books grow the Schrenk tulip, the drooping tulip, the lumbago - yellowish and open.

  • The fauna of the reserve is very diverse; there are about 300 species of beetles alone. There are a lot of fish in the reservoirs, of course, except for Lake Tengiz. The special pride of the reserve is the pink flamingos, which nest only in the shallow waters of Tengiz. In total, more than 300 species of birds live here or are encountered during migration. In the reserve there are birds listed in the International Red Book of about 20 species and 37 in the Red Book of Kazakhstan. Among the animals live wild boars, saiga, fox, badger, wolf, steppe polecat are common, you can meet hares - hare and hare.
  •  To visit the reserve you need a permit, which can be purchased at the reserve administration.
  • Tourists come here specifically to watch birds, especially during migration.

Barsakelmes State Reserve was created in 1939, Zap-Altayskiy-zapovednik-10located in the Aral district of the Kzyl-Orda region on an island. The total area of ​​the reserve is 18 thousand hectares. The climate of the reserve is typical for northern deserts: hot summers, cold winters. With the drying of the sea, the salinity of the water exceeded the norm. The lack of fresh water makes it difficult for the animal world to survive.

  • Flora These are mainly vascular plants, of which there are 278 species in the reserve. There are only 14 endemics: wormwood - Aral and twig-shaped, Pratov's quinoa, zhuzgun - curly, squat, Talibina and Borshchov's tulip.
  •  Fauna The reserve is diverse; there are about 2 thousand species of insects alone, including about 400 species of beetles. There are 23 species of reptiles, which makes up 46,9% of the total fauna of the republic. In the reserve there are 23 species of birds that are listed in the Red Book: Dalmatian pelican, little egret, yellow heron, gray crane, shakhin, black-headed gull, whooper swan, short-tailed snake eagle, steppe eagle, imperial eagle, jack, bustard, lapwing, black-bellied sandgrouse, white-bellied sandgrouse, eagle owl, flamingo, ibis, marbled teal, white-eyed duck, spoonbill, little bustard, saker falcon, sajah. Among the large animals there are kulans. Barsakelmes is the most unusual of the ten nature reserves of the republic.

Western Altai Nature Reserve founded in 1992, located 60 kilometers from the city of Ridder. The total area is 56 thousand hectares. The reserve is located nature4c_2in several natural zones: forest, mountain meadows, mountain tundra. The Belaya and Chernaya Uba rivers flow in the reserve with the tributaries Sidyashikha, Lineychikha, Kamenushka, and Palevaya. At the sources of these rivers there are small alpine lakes. The largest lakes - Kedrovoye and Shcherbakova - are located on the border of the forest and alpine zones. There are dozens of streams here that form a swamp.

  • About 200 species of herbs grow on the territory of the reserve. Vegetation grows depending on the zones, so the deciduous forest zone is rich in trees such as birch, poplar, many cherry thickets, and mountain ash and viburnum are found. Mountain taiga is rich in cedar and coniferous forests.
  • Fauna of Western Altai The reserve is represented by fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. The variety of birds in the reserve reaches 191 species, including: large merganser, harrier, common buzzard, capercaillie, Asian sandpiper, woodpecker, and cuckoo.
  • From mammals here you can meet the Altai mole, bear, fox, marten, deer, roe deer and other animals. Despite the fact that there are lakes in the reserve, they cannot boast of the presence of fish; there are only a few of them there. Among the reptiles in the reserve there are toads, viviparous lizards, and common vipers.
  • The reserve is quite remote from populated areas, so nature here has been preserved in its original form. The reserve is of particular interest to botanists and ornithologists.

Naurzum State Nature Reserve was organized in narod261109a10b1931 in Kostanay region. The reserve is located in the Turgai hollow. The total area is 191,4 thousand hectares. The territory of the reserve consists of three sections: Naurzum, Tersek and Sypsyn. There are 12 large lakes in the reserve. The climate is sharply continental.

  • Flora The Naurzum Nature Reserve is diverse and has 687 species of higher plants. For the steppe zone this is very much 3 times more than usual. The pine forests in the reserve are considered relict. The Naurzum pine forest covers an area of ​​16 thousand hectares. In the spring, lumbago begins to bloom in the reserve, in some places forming a continuous carpet, and bright yellow flowers bloom in the forest meadows. bright yellow adonis bloom, and in clay areas the drooping tulip and two-flowered tulip, and magnificent Schrenck tulips are also found here.
  • The fauna is also diverse reserve, there are 342 species of vertebrate animals: 44 species of animals, 282 species of birds and 10 species of fish. Among the mammals, the most common species are: voles, mice, hamsters, ground squirrels and the steppe marmot. There are numerous predators: weasel, ermine, steppe ferret, badger, corsac fox, fox, wolf. The largest representatives of mammals are elk, roe deer, and wild boar. It is interesting to watch the arrival of rooks to the reserve; every year at the end of March over 5000 rooks fly here. One of the most beautiful birds of Naurzum, the oriole, nests in aspen-birch groves and pine forests. There are only 25 species of birds of prey in the reserve, 12 of which nest, the rest mainly on migration. The rarest bird that lives in the Naurzum Nature Reserve is considered to be the mute swan. The Naurzum lakes are located in flight corridors and during the migration period they provide rest for hundreds of thousands of waterfowl, including the rare white cranes.
  • Research is regularly carried out in the reserve; for many years it has been a field base for scientists and students.

Markakol State Nature Reserve was organized 1324375042_mark-zapovednikin 1976, the total area of ​​the reserve was 71,3 thousand hectares. Located in East Kazakhstan, Lake Markakol is a landmark of the reserve and the largest body of water in Altai; its length is 38 km, area 455 sq km, maximum depth 24-27 m. On the territory of the reserve there are five high-altitude plant zones: meadow-steppe, mountain-taiga, subalpine, alpine and nival.

  • The meadow-steppe belt is represented by forb-grass meadows. The mountain-taiga belt is dominated by deciduous forests, mainly Siberian larch grows here. Along the river valleys that flow into Lake Markakol spruce forests grow, including Siberian fir and Siberian fir. The subalpine belt is represented by tall grass subalpine meadows. The alpine belt is a zone of alpine meadows and mountain tundras.
  • There are many useful plants in the reserve; fodder, medicinal, food, melliferous, industrial and essential oil plants grow here.
  • Fauna The reserve is diverse. There are 55 species of mammals alone and 20 species of rodents. Among predatory animals, the most common is the brown bear. About 30 animals live on its territory. The mustelid family is represented by the following species: common ermine, weasel, light-colored polecat, badger, and less commonly, solonga. Wolverine, otter and sable are also found. Traces of a snow leopard have been spotted on the territory of the reserve, and a lynx is sometimes seen. Red deer and roe deer are characteristic ungulates of the Markakol forests.
  • Numerous waterfowl here include the Tufted Duck, Goldeneye, Gray Duck and Wigeon. Of the birds of prey, 24 species have been recorded in the reserve.
  • The territory, including the Markakol National Nature Reserve and the Katon-Karagay State National Natural Park located at a distance, was created as a key area of ​​the International Program of GEF, UNDP, WWF, NABU and GTZ for the conservation of the Altai-Sayan biologically diverse ecological region.

Ustyurt Nature Reserve of Kazakhstan, formed in 1984, the reserve is located in the west of the Ustyurt plateau and the Turan lowland. Total area mustardreserve 70,0 thousand hectares. Ustyurt is characterized by many drainless depressions, which are very often simply huge. One of these depressions is Barsakelmes, the depressions are difficult to access and therefore poorly studied. There are 600 species of higher vascular plants in the reserve, among which wormwood, solyanka, astragalus and quinoa are widespread. The most typical endemic of Ustyurt is considered to be the Khiva solyanka; together with the toothless katran, the soft-fruited critmofolia, and the hard-boiled milkweed, it is included in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

  •  Rare representatives of the fauna have found their home in the Ustyurt Nature Reserve; these are animals such as: Ustyurt mouflon, cheetah, saiga, goitered gazelle, jackal, fox, long-spined hedgehog, polecat and others. Typical inhabitants of the reserve include the following birds: larks, wheatears, houbara bustards, vultures, vultures, vultures, short-tailed snake eaters, buzzards, owls, chukars and rock pigeons, stone sparrows, bald-headed and black swifts and others. Among the predatory animals there is a cheetah.
  •  The Ustyurt Nature Reserve is rich in attractions, primarily archaeological sites. Caravans of merchants once passed here. The famous road of the Khorezmshahs connected Khiva with the Volga and Emba rivers. Among the archaeological sites you can see the famous Alan fortress, the remains of the ancient city of Shahr-i-Wazir and the Beleuli caravanserai. The Ustyurt Nature Reserve is very interesting for scientists.

Almaty State Nature Reserve, formed in 1931 in the Almaty region on an area of ​​71,7 thousand hectares. The reserve is located in the central part of the Trans-Ili Alatau.

  • Nature of the reserve The region is diverse: steppes, deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, alpine meadows and glaciers. More than 30% of the reserve's territory is occupied by glaciers. The mountain rivers Talgar, Issyk and Chilik originate in the reserve. The fauna includes about 200 species of birds, 38 mammals, 7 species of reptiles, several thousand species of insects and invertebrates. Here you can find the snow leopard, as well as a variety of animals, including deer, eagles, wild sheep, and gazelle. 22 species of animals that live in the reserve are included in the Red Book.
  • On the territory of the reserve there are 28 species of plants from the Red Book of Kazakhstan. Deciduous forests with wild apple trees, apricots, aspen and mountain ash grow in the mountains, coniferous forests grow even higher, then alpine meadows, mountain cliffs and glaciers.
  • To find on the territory of the reserve necessary prepare documents, which local travel companies will help you with.

Alakol State Nature Reserve of Kazakhstan. Was organized in 1998. Located in Almaty and East Kazakhstan regions. The total area is 20,7 thousand hectares. There are two large lakes on the territory of the reserve: Alakol and Sasykol. The climate in the reserve is sharply continental with dry summers and relatively cold winters.

  • Fauna The reserve has 290 species of animals, including 21 species of mammals, 257 species of birds, 2 species of amphibians and 3 species of reptiles. Among the animals, the most frequently encountered are the wolf, bandage, wild boar, roe deer, fox, steppe polecat, muskrat and others. In the delta of the Tentek River there are nesting areas of pelicans, cormorants, night herons, herons, gulls, terns, laughing gulls, moorhens, crakes, and rails. On the delta lakes you can find gray duck, greylag goose, red-headed duck, shoveler and others. Of the rare endangered birds included in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 38 species have been registered in the Alakol Basin, including 27 nesting ones. The pride of the Alakol Nature Reserve is the relict gull.
  • The flora of the reserve includes 269 species of vascular plants. Phytoplankton is represented by 58 species of algae. Along the lake grow common reed, sedge, reed grass, reeds, cattails, soft aquatic vegetation, etc. These thickets are the most important nesting and feeding stations for numerous waterfowl and semi-aquatic birds. Also in the reserve there are thickets of blackberries, honeysuckle bushes, rosehips and combs.

Karatau State Nature Reserve of Kazakhstan. It was created in 2004 in the South Kazakhstan region, in the central part of the Karatau ridge. The reserve borders the Moyynkum, Kyzylkum, and Betpak-Dala deserts. The total area of ​​the reserve is 34,3 thousand hectares. The rivers Bayaldir, Biresik, Khantagi, Taldybulak flow here. None of them brings their waters to the Syrdarya River, losing their waters at the foot of the slopes. The climate in the reserve is continental and arid.

  • Flora of the Karatau commander has more than 400 plant species. There are 53 species of rare and endemic plants in the reserve, another 10 are endemic to Karatau and the Western Tien Shan. 42 species are listed in the Red Book.
  • Fauna of the reserve not so rich, only about 30 species of mammals have been recorded, including three from the Red Book - Karatau mountain sheep, stone marten and porcupine. The bird fauna of the reserve is interesting and diverse - about 80 species have been recorded here. Among the birds of prey there are the following: balaban, golden eagle, vulture, dwarf eagle, snake eagle and bearded vulture, which are listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

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