Animals of Kazakhstan

The fauna of Kazakhstan includes 490 species of birds, 172 species of mammals, more than 100 species of fish, 51 species of reptiles, 12 species of amphibians, and the world of invertebrates is also very rich - more than 50 thousand species (insects alone have more than 30 thousand species). In Kazakhstan, along with all known animals, birds and insects, there are quite rare forms of life: for example, reptiles such as the Danatine toad or the Alai gologla. Rare species of animals include the snow leopard, stone marten, Turkestan lynx, argali. To preserve the unique flora and fauna on the territory of Kazakhstan, 222protected areas. The main objectives of which are to preserve the picturesque landscape in its natural state; study of flora and fauna; creating appropriate conditions for restoring the numbers of many species of rare and endangered animals and plants. Rare species of Kazakhstan's fauna have been preserved in protected areas; many species of endangered animals have found refuge there; we offer you information about the animals of Kazakhstan by region and in protected areas.

Northern Kazakhstan.
The terrain of northern Kazakhstan is mostly flat. The climate is sharply continental. On the territory of Northern Kazakhstan there is the Naurzum Nature Reserve with its rich fauna, where you can meet such representatives of the fauna as: mute swan, imperial eagle, demoiselle crane, steppe eagle, golden eagle, pink pelicans. The decoration of the Naurzum forest are roe deer, elk, and wild boar. xbxvxvvdsfsf44 species of mammals and 10 species of fish live here. The Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve is also located in the northern part of Kazakhstan. The lakes of the reserve are rich in fish,
including commercial species: gold and silver crucian carp, ide, pike, tench, perch, roach. What makes the Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve unique are the pink flamingos. Here is the northernmost breeding colony of these amazing birds in the world. On the territory of the Korgalzhyn Reserve you can meet a black stork and a whooper swan, wild boars hide in reed dens, and forest dwellers - lynx, roe deer and elk - enter the protected area.

Eastern Kazakhstan.
An interesting feature of Eastern Kazakhstan is the presence of all types of landscapes found in Central Asia. Here you can see: sandy-desert zones, clayey canyons, steppe zones, mountainous areas, forests and taiga, alpine meadows, mountain peaks, respectively, the richness and fauna of this region. In Eastern Kazakhstan Lynx (19) the Markakol National Reserve is located in the southeast of Southern Altai, in the basin of Lake Markakol. The wildlife of the reserve includes about 55 species of mammals, including elk, deer, brown bear, wild boar, wolf, wolverine and others. The world of invertebrates is also diverse; there are rare species of butterflies: Apollo, swallowtail. The territory of the Katon-Karagay district related to Screenshot-2014-01-14-at-5.47.50-PMEastern Kazakhstan recently became a protected area and on its territory there are such animals as: sable, badger, wolverine, wolf, fox, bear, leopard, lynx, roe deer, squirrel; of birds - black grouse, wood grouse, partridge, hazel grouse and many others. These wild places are considered the homeland of marals, or red deer. The Western Altai National Nature Reserve is rich in representatives of birds, as it is home to more than 200 species of birds such as: kite, buzzard, common kestrel, capercaillie, hazel grouse, tundra and white partridge, and rare species: golden eagle, peregrine falcon, saker falcon, eagle owl, black stork , taimen, Ikonnikova's bat. Among the animals you can most often find the Altai mole, fox, wolverine, sable, weasel, and sometimes a bear.

Southern Kazakhstan.
The southern region of the country is a combination of arid, sparsely populated steppes and deserts, high snow-capped mountains with well-moistened and densely populated foothills. Special natural zones have developed along the banks of rivers and large lakes. Southern Kazakhstan, on its territory is located the oldest nature reserve in Kazakhstan, as well as the first in Central Asia, the Aksu-Dzhabagly nature reserve. The wildlife of the reserve is simply unique; it includes species typical of completely different regions. There are 42 species of mammals on the territory of the Aksu-Dzhabagly Nature Reserve, these are predatory and artiodactyl animals: argali, Tien Shan brown bear, snow leopard, Siberian mountain goat. Sometimes you can see red pika and tolai hare, long-eared hedgehog and small shrew. In the Aksu-Dzhabagly reserve there are about 2 species of birds, this is half of the entire avifauna of Kazakhstan. From the general list, about 230 species of birds nest on the territory of the Aksu-Dzhabagly Nature Reserve, and 123 species never leave its territory. . Great interest, the most beautiful olsbird - paradise flycatcher. The Almaty State Nature Reserve includes about 200 species of birds, 22 species of animals, 38 mammals, 7 species of reptiles, several thousand species of insects and invertebrates. The reserve is a common habitat for the snow leopard, as well as a variety of animals, including deer, wild sheep (argali), and gazelle. On the western spurs of the Dzungarian Alatau ridge is the Altyn-Emel National Park, the largest nature reserve in Kazakhstan. Altyn-Emel is famous for its rich fauna. There are only about 200 species of birds, of which 174 are nesting, there are rare species such as: black stork, white-eyed duck, osprey, short-eared eagle, imperial eagle, golden eagle, white-tailed eagle, vulture, bearded vulture, kumai, saker falcon, gray crane, demoiselle, bustard beauty, brown pigeon, black-bellied sandgrouse, sajah, eagle owl. Reptiles are represented by 25 species. In the mountains you can find the Alai holly eye, the copperhead, the steppe viper, the patterned snake, and in the desert and semi-desert - the steppe tortoise, takyr and motley roundheads, skink and gray geckos, several species of foot-and-mouth lizards, arrow-snake and others. There are more than 70 species of mammals in the park. There are more than 5000 species of insects, of which only Coleoptera, or beetles living in the tugai forest, are at least 500.

Western Kazakhstan.
Western Kazakhstan is located in the extreme west and southwest of the republic. The climate is sharply continental and arid. Extraordinarily attractive landscapes. The Ustyurt State Reserve is located in the west i-c5ba3-32235699Kazakhstan in the Eralievsky district of the Mangystau region. The reserve serves as a reliable refuge for many rare animals, such as: Ustyurt mouflon, cheetah, saiga, goitered gazelle, jackal, fox, long-spined hedgehog, polecat and others. In the reserve there are 163 species of birds such as: golden eagle, steppe eagle, short-eared snake eagle, vulture, peregrine falcon, falcon, eagle owl, black-bellied sandgrouse, flamingo, imperial eagle, gray crane, spoonbill, black-headed gull, little egret, sajah.

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