Animals of the Red Book of Kazakhstan

Today it is impossible not to notice that human activity has negatively affected nature, including Kazakhstan. Rivers and lakes are depleted and polluted, industrial emissions into the atmosphere occur, all this destroys ecosystem. Not only man himself suffers from this, but also the inhabitants of nature. Many species of animals are on the verge of extinction, sometimes as a result of direct extermination, so ecologists around the world have long been sounding the alarm, so in 1963 the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature was specially created. Kazakhstan also has the Red Book of Animals of Kazakhstan, which includes 40 mammals, 57 birds, 3 amphibians, 18 fish and 10 reptiles.

Animals from the Red Book of Kazakhstan are subject to special protection. These are rare and endangered species of animals in Kazakhstan, whose disappearance will negatively affect the entire fauna. The following animals are included in the Red Book of Kazakhstan: snow leopard, dune cat, manul, red wolf, cheetah, goitered gazelle, argali, tugai deer, Tien Shan brown bear and other animals. So, as a result of direct 222Due to extermination, the tugai deer disappeared - the only one of the 8 subspecies that is able to survive in desert areas. The red wolf is one of the endangered animals of Kazakhstan, the only representative of this genus in the nature of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries. The red wolf lives high in the mountains, which is probably why people almost never see it. The total number of individuals is also unknown. Over the past 40 years, not a single reliable appearance of the red wolf has been recorded on the territory of the republic.

The snow leopard is listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan, as it is endangered; its habitats are in thirteen countries, including Kazakhstan. Among the large cats, he is the only permanent resident of the mountains of Central Asia. According to the latest data, the snow leopard has returned to Eastern Kazakhstan; traces of the leopard were found in the Katunkaragai National Park. The cheetah is also one of the endangered animals of Kazakhstan; there is no data on the number of individuals; it is possible that the cheetah simply cannot be found on the territory of our republic. The main reason for the decline in numbers was the development of desert lands, as well as the persecution of the cheetah by poachers.

The Turanian tiger is almost extinct by now. The Turanian tiger lived not only in Central Asia, but also along the eastern and southern shores of the Caspian Sea - in Transcaucasia and Iran. The habitat most often was reed beds along the rivers - Amu Darya, Syr Darya, Vakhsh, Pyanj, Atrek, Tedjen, Murgab; it was also found on Lake Balkhash. In Kazakhstan, it is planned to create a national park to restore the tiger population in 2019 on the territory of the Ili River and arhar2109southern coast of Balkhash. The Argali mountain sheep is also listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan. The main habitat of argali in Kazakhstan is the Karatau, Tien Shan, Dzhungar Alatau, Tarbagatai, Saur, Kalba and Southern Altai mountains, Chu-Ili mountains and the Kazakh Highlands. Currently, the argali population is growing. Due to poaching, many birds in Kazakhstan are endangered. Endangered and rare birds listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan include the following bird species: relict gull, white-headed duck, black stork, golden eagle, steppe eagle, vulture, gyrfalcon, Siberian crane, bustard, flamingo and others. Human activity has also had a negative impact on the population of such beautiful birds as flamingos. Due to the construction of blind dams, the number of nesting sites has been significantly reduced. Currently, flamingos are protected in the Kupgaldzhinsky, Krasnovodsky and Kyzylagachsky nature reserves. Some birds cannot reproduce in captivity, so they are on the verge of extinction and are among the rare and endangered species of animals in Kazakhstan, such a bird is the steppe eagle.

Endangered and rare species of fish in Kazakhstan are listed in the Red Book, these are such species as: Siberian sturgeon, thorn, Syrdarya shovelnose, Volga multistanched herring, Caspian salmon, Aral salmon, taimen, nelma (Bukhtarmin-Zaisan population), white fish, kutum, pike asp, Aral barbel, Turkestan barbel, Ili marinka (Ili population), Chuya silverfish, Balkhash perch, Chatkal sculpin. In 2006, a new resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted “On approval of the Lists of rare and endangered species of animals and plants” of Kazakhstan, which approved an updated list of species subject to protection and the latest fourth edition of the Red Book of Kazakhstan was published.

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