A mystery

A mystery
Among the many birches and pines of Burabay is the sparkling lake Kumiskol. In the middle of this lake there is a rock, which gives the impression as if it comes straight from the lake itself. If you look more closely from different angles, you can see many mysterious and mysterious images. On one side the rock looks like a boat, and on the other it resembles a girl with flowing hair. This is probably why people called this rock Zhumbaktas-Mysterious Rock. There is a legend among the people about Zhumbaktas.

Once upon a time there was a bai. And he had many sons and one and only daughter. She was very beautiful, smart and hardworking. One day a young, handsome and talented singer came to their village. He saw the girl and they fell in love. Knowing that they will never receive consent for marriage from the girl’s father, at night they run away to Lake Kumiskol. Having learned about this, the Bai orders his sons to find and kill the young man at all costs, and return his daughter home. The sons go in search of the young. They are hiding in the bushes on the shore of the lake. Lovers on a boat swim to the shore. This is where the brothers attack their sister and her lover. They kill the young man. Then the girl, heartbroken, prays to Allah to turn her and the boat into a rock. Allah fulfills her request, and instantly the girl and the boat turn into a huge rock right in the middle of the lake. This is one of the legends about Zhumbaktas. Borovoe Resort, Rest in Borovoe

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