Sights and recreation in the Kyzylorda region!

Holidays in the Kyzylorda region are unique; rather, they relate to educational tourism on the territory of Kazakhstan, since nationally important places are located here. One of these is the city of Baikonur. Which has two cosmodromes, one is a prototype, which is built of wood, and the other is the real Baikonur.

Of course, we all know the city itself because of a special attraction located within the city - the Baikonur Cosmodrome. This is a very important strategic facility where rockets of different structures are launched into space. It is important to note that Baikonur is one of three cosmodromes from which rocket launches with passengers on board are possible. The orbit of the ISS station was selected taking into account the latitude of Baikonur. Construction of the facility began in 1955, and it became the cosmodrome itself in 1957. It is now leased by the Russian Federation until 2050. The first artificial satellite was launched from Baikonur, and today Baikonur carries out 50% of the annual number of launches of various devices and rockets in Russia.f_bayk2

Another attraction of the Kyzylorda region is the Barsakelmes state reserve. This protected area was founded in 1929, and 10 years later it received the status of a state reserve, which it remains to this day. The life of the local offenders was noticeably complicated by the fact that the Aral Sea began to dry out and the salinity of the water in this region exceeded the critical level of the water norm. This greatly affected the animals in this region, which had problems with fresh water. There was a period when a large number of individuals were transferred to other protected areas. Today, there is a small increase in kulans, which is about 20-25 heads in one year. In this reserve there are many plants and animals that are very rarely found in nature like Kazakhstan so it is in the world. Of course, it’s very bad that the water dries out more and more every year, which of course contributes to a decrease in the number of certain types of fish, and some even die out, but there are also types of plants and fish that are new. The Barsakelmes reserve is of great value as a research center in which it is planned to resume research in the coming years.

Also, one of the most interesting places to relax in the Kyzylorda region is Lake Kambash, which is located in the Aral region, 7 km from the M32 Samara-Almaty road, respectively, 86 km from Aralsk. Lake Kambash is 26 km long, 8 km wide, and has an average depth of 2 meters. It is interesting that the water in such an area is always not very clean, but on Lake Combash it is clear due to the fact that the silt that is at the bottom of the lake does not rise. Local residents are confident that the lake has healing properties, which have not been confirmed by doctors and researchers, but have not been refuted either.b6083dec7226ac4ac69c78b3826969a2

And of course, we can’t help but talk about the Aral Sea. Unfortunately, this is a former closed lake in Kazakhstan. A sharp decrease in water began in 1960, due to the fact that they began to take water from the rivers that fed the sea, these are the Syr Darya and Amur Darya rivers. The purpose of redirecting the rivers was to irrigate nearby villages to increase the size of the harvest. And in 1989, the Aral split into two parts - the Northern Aral Sea and the Southern Aral Sea. Previously, this lake was the fourth largest in the world, but now it is on the verge of extinction.

Below is a map of roads in the Kyzylorda region. We hope that tourism in this area will enrich your knowledge about Kazakhstan! Also interesting information about sanatoriums in Kazakhstan!1339668362_kyzylorda505

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