Eight of the most interesting and fantastic places in Kazakhstan for tourists!

Man is designed in such a way that he is drawn to the mysterious, the unknown and the mysterious. Kazakhstan is a big country and in this regard, tourists and lovers of everything interesting and mysterious have something to see. Many places are shrouded in legends, all kinds of stories, stories about miracles that happen in such places and perhaps that is why they attract a large number of curious tourists. But some places in Kazakhstan are truly fantastic, for example, the Kiin-Kerish valley, which is located in Eastern Kazakhstan. The valley rather resembles a picture from Mars - clays with bright colors form here a bizarre landscape. If you look at the valley from a distance, the cliffs look like flames. According to scientists, the valley was formed during the Mesozoic era, so it has no equal among similar monuments in Asia and Europe. The valley is not easy to find, so if you want to admire the unique landscape of the valley, it is best to use the services of a guide.ncurare.livejournal.com_

 The Bektau-Ata mountain range amazes tourists with its unusual rock shapes. Frozen granite-volcanic lava, over which the wind worked for thousands of years, turned stone blocks into bizarre shapes. In the southwest of the mountain Bektau-Ata There is a cave, according to local belief, the water in it is holy and healing.

Ustyurt Plateau, another mysterious place in Kazakhstan, you won’t find such landscapes anywhere else. The vertical cliffs amaze with their color from pale pink to dazzling white. An amazingly picturesque picture can be observed during sunset, when the white chalk rocks acquire a crimson color. Ustyurt is fraught with mysteries; from a bird's eye view on the plateau you can see drawings in the form of arrows that cannot be detected from the ground. Someone claims to have seen alien flying vehicles hovering over the plateau, but these are just someone's personal statements.

100 kilometers from Almaty there is another mysterious place in Kazakhstan, Ungurtas “The Navel of the Earth”, these are several caves from which amazing energy comes out, which has a positive effect on humans. The caves are located in the village of Ungurtas and local residents tell numerous stories about miracles that happen in their village. People come here to get treatment or remove negativity; for beginners it is not recommended to stay in the caves for a long time.ahLu0a2N2wBHoksmfwt3zFQs48ct7b

The Valley of Spring, which is located 250 kilometers southwest of Astana, is an amazing place where spring comes a month earlier. You are driving along a snowy road and suddenly in front of you is a valley where the grass is in full bloom. Well, what a mystery of nature!

imagesBut the most ominous and mysterious place in Kazakhstan is considered to be the Akyrtas settlement, which is located in the Dzhambul region. Everyone who has visited this place talks about the powerful energy impact. Some people began to deliriously dream, others saw a starfall and heard pleasant music. In general, having visited this place, a person sees something that you wouldn’t see in an ordinary place.

76483606Among the many lakes in Kazakhstan, there are some that cannot surprise, one of them is Lake Shaitankol. It is located just five kilometers from Karkaralinska, but getting to it is not so easy. It is located in the mountains; it is believed that this lake arose in the crater of a volcano. The lake seems to be hidden from human eyes, deep in the forest, among the rocks. The lake is so deep that no one has seen the bottom, there are many legends about the lake, those who had to spend the night near the lake talk about all sorts of miracles that they saw above the surface of the lake.

Dead Lake is located in the Almaty region near the village of Sapak. There are no fish or algae in the lake, and there are no flies or mosquitoes on the shore. The water in the lake is cold even in the hottest summer. The lake is small and the water is clear, local residents tell terrible stories about how drowned people in the lake do not float up, but stand like soldiers at the bottom of the lake.

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