The main attractions and beauties of Eastern Kazakhstan

Eastern Kazakhstan deserves special attention. It is this part of the republic that is considered the most attractive in terms of natural beauty. Mountain ranges, passes and rivers - all this actively attracts tourists. Holidays in Eastern Kazakhstan offer an excellent opportunity to walk through the endless expanses of the steppe, see the most beautiful places of the Altai Mountains and enjoy all the gifts of the generous mother - nature.

Rest and leisure in Eastern Kazakhstan. On the territory of eastern Kazakhstan you can engage in skiing, mountaineering, rafting on fast-flowing rivers, hunting, fishing and just hiking. Fans of a new direction in tourism - ecological recreation - will also enjoy the diverse flora and fauna of the region.horse_child_girl_cnt_22mar11_istock_b Fans of extreme sports and active recreation will be happy to take part in wild horse racing or crossing wild rivers on small structures. Walk along the steep cliffs and spend the night under the open sky. And evening gatherings around the fire with chants and stories will definitely be remembered for many years.

Lake Markakol – the pearl of Eastern KazakhstanMarkakol often called the lake of a hundred rivers and springs. It is located on the territory of a nature reserve. Seeing this “paradise” is not so easy. To get to the lake, you need to repeatedly cross one of the stormy rivers of the Zhaman Kaaba, go through a rather difficult mountain pass with its rocky ledges, and only after crossing the wide alpine meadows do you see this unforgettable place. But the beauty of this lake is worth overcoming all the difficulties of the path. Tourism in Kazakhstan91bea3681e0e

External shades Marakol strike any imagination. Lake It has a rich, bright blue or cyan color on a sunny day, but on cloudy days it changes its color beyond recognition and becomes almost black. The water in the lake is very clean, soft and fresh. Here is one of the varieties of fish that you will not find anywhere else in the world. This fish is usuch - a local analogue of lina, which is valued for its delicious caviar.

Altai trails. In order to fully enjoy their holiday in Eastern Kazakhstan, tourists are offered the most popular route, the Altai Trails. This is an exciting journey on horseback, the route of which runs along alpine meadows and cedar groves. There you can see real wild bears or deer. After a horseback ride, you can take part in rafting on the Serzhikha, Belaya Berel-Bukhtarma and Uba rivers.

Health tourism. In addition to various types of active recreation, in the eastern part of Kazakhstan there is a unique opportunity to improve your health. After all, the climate of this region is perfectly conducive to this. Many sanatoriums and health centers in the region offer the following types of treatment:

  • Mud;
  • Pants;
  • Radon.

And the famous Kazakh thermal springs are very popular in the treatment of gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal diseases. Rakhmanovsky springs are natural mineral springs enriched with radon and calcium bicarbonate. The temperature of the springs throughout the entire time fluctuates between 31-40 degrees, which has an incredibly beneficial effect on the health of the human body. More details Places of Kazakhstan

Few can argue about the amazing beauty of Eastern Kazakhstan. And in order to be convinced of this, you should definitely visit there, walk along its picturesque steppes, breathe in the mountain air of Altai and look at the magical beauty of local rivers and lakes

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