Features of modern Kazakhstan

The Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary state with a presidential form of government. The only source of power is the people. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the head of state, determining the main directions of the state’s domestic and foreign policy. The Republic of Kazakhstan is multinational; more than fifteen million people, representatives of more than a hundred nationalities and nationalities, live in Kazakhstan as a single family.
Friendship of peoples, mutual understanding and solidarity - this is the basis on which we are building a new Kazakhstan!” said the President of the Republic Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev. The peaceful policy of Kazakhstan, the development of intellectual and economic potential are all the key to future prosperity. The new capital of Kazakhstan, Astana, is a vivid example of the prosperity of the republic. In a short time it became a modern metropolis. Grandiose architectural objects of the new century: “Akkorda”, “Baiterek”, “Duman”, the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, the capital’s circus - all this speaks of the strength and power of Kazakhstan.kazakhstan
The southern capital of Kazakhstan is Almaty, a beautiful city immersed in greenery with wide streets and interesting architecture; more than eight thousand hectares of urban area are occupied by gardens and parks, squares and boulevards. It is the largest metropolis in Kazakhstan, a scientific, educational, cultural, historical, financial, economic, banking and manufacturing center of the country. One of the main attractions of Almaty is high mountain skating rink Medeu , which is located in the mountains of the Trans-Ili Alatau.

In the vicinity of Almaty, the Ile-Alatau National Park begins, on the territory of which a reserve and nature reserves are organized. In total, there are 10 nature reserves and 12 national parks of state importance in Kazakhstan. Among the attractions of Kazakhstan, I would especially like to note the ski resorts - Shymbulak, Tabagan, Ak Bulak for their natural beauty; they are not inferior to many high-mountain resorts in the world and are very popular among tourists from far and near abroad.

There is also a local Switzerland in Kazakhstan. This amazing place is located between the two cities of Kazakhstan Astana and Kokshetau, coniferous forests, beautiful lakes, healing mountain air, so it is no coincidence that numerous holiday homes and sanatoriums are located here. Western Kazakhstan is also famous for its recreation areas, where you can swim and relax on the shores of the Caspian Sea. The vast territory of Kazakhstan is rich in mineral resources. In the national economy, the leading role is played by enterprises for the extraction and processing of coal, oil, gas, non-ferrous and ferrous metals. There are about 160 oil and gas fields in the country, including the largest - Tengiz. Kazakhstan is a world leader in aluminum production. Agriculture is an important sector of the country's economy. Kazakhstan ranks third in grain production in the CIS after Russia and Ukraine. Also traditionally engaged in the republic are: sheep breeding, horse breeding, camel breeding and cattle breeding.

Today Kazakhstan is experiencing a period of national revival. Folk customs, rituals, national sports, folk crafts are all experiencing a period of revival today. One of the significant events in cultural life of Kazakhstan became the World Kurultai of Kazakhs, which met in September 1992 and united famous writers, poets, scientists, public and religious figures from all over the world. Even in ancient times, among the Kazakhs there was such a concept as clan division. Clan, clan division is the ideology of the Kazakh people. Today in ethnographic modernity there is also a clan division. The President of the country Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev in his book “In the Flow of History” particularly focused on the role and significance of tribal consciousness in cultural life modern Kazakhstan. Holidays in Kazakhstan

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