Plants of Kazakhstan

The landscape of Kazakhstan consists mainly of steppes, semi-deserts and deserts. The northern regions of Kazakhstan belong to the zone of steppes and forest-steppes, to the south of the semi-desert and desert.

The flora of Kazakhstan includes 68 species of tree species, 266 species of shrubs, 433 species of semi-shrubs and semi-herbs, 2598 species of perennial grasses, 849 species of annual grasses. Forests, including saxaul trees, occupy an area of ​​21,8 million hectares. However, the area covered by forest is only 9,1 million hectares. in percentage terms it is 4,2%. territory of Kazakhstan. The forests of Kazakhstan are divided into birch and aspen forests in the northern regions; island forests of the northwest; pine forests of the Kazakhstan small hills; ribbon forests on the right bank of the Irtysh; forests of Altai and Saur, Dzungarian Alatau and Tien Shan; saxaul and tugai forests; floodplain intrazonal.podsolnechnik

The main vegetation species are coniferous, soft-leaved trees and shrubs. Plants of Kazakhstan and coniferous species include: - pine, spruce, fir, larch, cedar, juniper; soft-leaved trees - birch, aspen, poplar, tree willow; to shrubs - creeping juniper, rose hips, meadowsweet, yellow acacia and in the deserts - tamarisk, juzgun, sand acacia, saxaul. The Kazakh steppe stretches for more than 2200 km and occupies the territory of seven regions, which accounts for 26% of the entire territory of Kazakhstan (648 thousand km2). The peculiarities of the climate of the steppes form the cover of the earth, which is mainly grasses that can live with small reserves of moisture.

This is how feather grass, fescue, biyurgun, ferula, and wormwood grow in the steppe. These plants are perfectly adapted to life in dry climates. It is impossible to imagine the Kazakh steppe without the gray feather grass spreading in the wind. In the spring 5199207The steppe is blooming and presents a beautiful picture of nature. Rare species of Schrenck tulips are blooming, the colors of which surprise and delight - from pure white to dark purple, through all shades of red and yellow. The lakes are surrounded mainly by plants adapted to salty soils - these are various solyankas, kermeks, and swedes. An amazing plant, saltwort, an annual with thick, succulent branches and stems, sometimes grows directly in a saline solution. The flora of the desert and semi-desert seems 110565_fc320c9eextremely poor and sparse, but the sands are full of life, hundreds of species of different grasses and shrubs grow, in addition, there are also trees such as variegated turanga, angustifolia, saxaul, and in some places even small groves of these plants are formed.

Desert and semi-desert vegetation, in order to survive and develop in conditions of deficiency of precipitation and soil moisture, have deeply penetrating roots, such as saxaul or tamarisk. The leaves of many plants are adapted to dry conditions. aconitedesert climate and are covered with a thick waxy skin - the epidermis, which plays a protective role in the life of such plants as: trumpet flower, malcolmia, dodartsia or tekesakal, izen, camel and other species. In order to adapt to life in the desert, some plants have an amazing quality of adaptation such as their ephemerality, that is, such plants of Kazakhstan bloom and grow in a short period of time, mainly in the spring. Ephemerals awaken in the spring, covering the sands with bright greenery before other plants, transforming deserts.

On the territory of the republic there are 115 species of trees and shrubs imgp0001_2-340×225 growing only on the territory of Kazakhstan and not found anywhere else on the globe. These are plant species such as juzgun (28 species), astragalus (35 species), Kyrgyz birch , Lynchevsky apple tree, Transcaspian hawthorn, Dzungarian hawthorn, pseudo-Siberian hawthorn, poplar, large-fruited, Vavilov pear, Shrenk and Turkestan roses, snow-white willow, etc. A special place in Kazakhstan with its flora and fauna is occupied by Naurzum, Aman-Karagay, Borovoye, Karkaraly, Bayanaul, Markakol, Alma-Ata forest, Dzhabagly, these are beautiful natural corners of Kazakhstan. The world-famous relict ash grove is located in the lower reaches of the Charyn River, in the zone of foothill deserts, where the banks of the canyon are located much lower and diverge to the sides. The landscape of amazing nature, a relict ash grove is mesmerizing. The territory of the ash grove covers an area of ​​485 hectares. and its length along the river bank is 25 km. Mostly Sogdian ash forest grows here, the forest area of ​​which is the only one in Kazakhstan. Ash is a relict plant. Holidays in Kazakhstan, cities of Kazakhstan

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