Artists of Kazakhstan

Artist - a person who expresses himself through art. Since the 19th century, many works of art began to appear in Kazakhstan. The artists depicted the life of the Kazakh people, events that had a significant impact on the development of the country. Also, Kazakh artists often depicted the beauty of the Kazakh land.

A special place is occupied by the works of the Russian painter V.V. Vereshchagina – “In the Alatau Mountains”, “Khazret Yasawi Mosque”. The artist vividly conveyed nature and architecture of Kazakhstan.

Abilkhan Kasteev - painter and watercolorist, People's Artist of Kazakhstan. The most famous works: “Turksib”, “Talas Valley”, “Kapchagai Steppe”, “Medeo High Mountain Skating Rink”, “Golden Grain”, “Cotton Harvesting”. Kasteev’s works can be seen at the State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty.

Kenbaev Moldakhmet Syzdykovich- Kazakh Soviet painter, Honored Artist. The artist's paintings are mainly devoted to the steppe life of Kazakhs and nature of Kazakhstan. The artist perfectly showed the spirit of the Kazakh land in such paintings as “Catching Horses” and “On the Foothills”.

Shardenov Janatay- famous artist of Kazakhstan. His unique style of writing is an expression of his inner world and perception of nature. His paintings: “Evening Alatau”, “Spring in the foothills”, “Mountain motive”, “Outskirts of Alma-Ata”, “Evening Mountains” delight with bright tints and energy. It is an honor for anyone to have his paintings museum of Kazakhstan.

Sakhi Romanov- Kazakh graphic artist and painter. His paintings: “Evening near Dzhailau”, “Bayanaul”, graphic series “Suuk-Tobe.Mangyshlak”, “Dzhambul”, “Under the sky of the Motherland”, “At the foot of Naizatas”, “Road of Life” and others. The artist’s work is a bright contribution to the treasury of art of Kazakhstan.

In many cities of Kazakhstan, exhibitions of works by artists of Kazakhstan are held annually. An exhibition of paintings in honor of the anniversary of the Kazakh artist A. Kasteev has been opened in Astana. Here you can see famous paintings by artists.

Today, various events are being held in Kazakhstan to search for new talents. In connection with this, the “Kazakhstan Suretshiler Odagy” gallery has been opened, where it is planned to hold exhibitions of young masters.

A non-governmental organization is located in Almaty - the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan.

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