Spiders in Kazakhstan

spiders in Kazakhstan

Spiders in Kazakhstan. An insect with furry legs, poisonous teeth, living in the shade, and even producing poison. The creature we were all taught to fear. Spider. And yet spiders are amazingly talented, they have a range of abilities that delight scientists. So far, there are about 42 species of spiders. They live in our...


Pink flamingo in Kazakhstan

Flamingo is an unusually beautiful and rare bird. A flamingo has long legs and a neck, it is almost as tall as a person, and weighs only 4 or a little more kilograms. The bird's plumage is pinkish, which makes the bird's takeoff unusually beautiful, as if it flares up with fire. The pink flamingo is characterized by a large curved beak, which is a good tool for catching...


Snakes of Kazakhstan

There are various snakes in Kazakhstan, about 19 species, six species are poisonous. The most dangerous for humans are: steppe and common vipers, palasov copperhead, efa and viper. Join the oldest craft of mankind with Pottery Studio No. 1. Get creative, take a break from the hustle and bustle and spend time with your loved ones. Entertainment for all people...


Argali in Kazakhstan

Argali in Kazakhstan or mountain sheep. The main habitats of argali in Kazakhstan are the Karatau, Tien Shan, Dzhungar Alatau, Tarbagatai, Saur, Kalba and Southern Altai mountains, Chu-Ili mountains and the Kazakh Highlands. The animal is quite large at the withers, reaching 125 cm and weighing up to 180 kg. The horns that the male has are very beautiful...


dune cat

The dune cat or sand cat of Kazakhstan, among its wild relatives, is perhaps the smallest, its body length is 65-90 cm, with 40% occupied by the tail, the height at the withers is only 24-30 cm; the weight of adult males is from 2 to 4 kg. Females are smaller. The head probably stands out on the whole body, the head is large and wide, flattened, with ...


Wolverine in Kazakhstan

You may be surprised, but the wolverine is the most ferocious predator on earth; it knows no fear and can attack animals much larger than it. There are cases around the world where wolverine drove bears away from their prey. In Kazakhstan, the wolverine is found in the Markokolsky Nature Reserve. About 30 animals live on its territory. ...


Fishes of Kazakhstan

fish of Kazakhstan

There are more than 40 thousand lakes in Kazakhstan, over 4000 reservoirs have been built in which fresh water reserves are accumulated. Many bodies of water contain large numbers of fish. Here you can find a wide variety of fish? For example, in the waters of Kazakhstan there are such species of fish as: white carp, Caspian silverside, white-eye, white fish, beluga, striped bystria, goby - several ...


Pigeons of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is rich in a wide variety of birds. One of the most frequently encountered birds in our country is the pigeon. This bird is considered a symbol of peace and love. There are about 300 species of pigeons in the world. Many species of pigeons live on the territory of the republic. These are: rocky, gray, brown and white-breasted pigeon. The brown pigeon nests in southern and southeastern Kazakhstan. ...


Scorpios in Kazakhstan

Scorpios in Kazakhstan

Scorpios in Kazakhstan! Scorpions in Kazakhstan are represented by two species - the Caucasian scorpion and the motley scorpion. In Kazakhstan, scorpions grow up to 18 cm. You can meet scorpions in Kazakhstan in desert areas; they are active at night. The active habitat of scorpions in Kazakhstan is the city of Shymkent. In 2013, only from June...


Birds of Kazakhstan. Lords of the sky

To protect many species of animals on the territory of Kazakhstan, there are specially protected areas, the tasks of which include creating appropriate conditions for restoring the numbers of many species of rare and endangered animals and plants. Therefore, the territory of Kazakhstan has become a home for many animals, plants and birds, but a considerable number of them are in danger of extinction...