Kazakh national clothes

The national clothing of the Kazakhs was influenced by history, economic, social and climatic conditions. For centuries, Kazakh clothing has been characterized by simplicity and rationality. Clothes were usually made for four seasons. Often clothes were trimmed with fur, embroidery, and decorations. They sewed clothes from leather, fur, thin felt, cloth, which the Kazakhs made themselves. There were also imported materials - silks, brocade, ...


How does a Kazakh wedding go?

Each culture has its own characteristics that are unique to it. Celebrations such as weddings are celebrated differently in different cultures. So in Kazakh culture, there are inherent features of holding this holiday. We will not dwell on the complex matchmaking ceremony, but will only plunge into the most solemn day in a person’s life -...


Art of Kazakhstan

Literary art of Kazakhstan is works of literature in the Kazakh language. Over its centuries-old history, Kazakhstan has a large number of famous names in literary work. Among the most famous are such names as: Seluimenov Olzhas Omarovich, Musrepov Gabit, Mukanov Sabit, Zhumabaev Magzhan, Auezov Mukhtar Omarovich, Altynsarin Ibrai, Abay Kunanbaev and many others. ...


Writers of Kazakhstan

writers of Kazakhstan

Among the famous writers of Kazakhstan, such names as Seluimenov Oljas Omarovich, Musrepov Gabit, Mukanov Sabit, Zhumabaev Magzhan, Auezov Mukhtar Omarovich, Altynsarin Ibrai, Abai Kunanbaev and many others stand out. Abai Kunanbaev Abai Kunanbaev was born in 1845 in the Semipalatinsk region, in the family of the head of the Tobykty clan. Abai Kunanbaev is a poet, composer, philosopher, ...


Architecture of Kazakhstan

architecture of Kazakhstan

Architecture is a source of rich information about the culture, modern development and past of any state. Kazakhstan has been the homeland for many tribes and peoples for many centuries. The Kazakh land contains a rich architectural heritage. The country has long been a bridge between East and West. The peculiarity of Kazakh architecture is that it is closely intertwined...


Artists of Kazakhstan

artists of Kazakhstan

An artist is a person who expresses himself through art. Since the 19th century, many works of art began to appear in Kazakhstan. The artists depicted the life of the Kazakh people, events that had a significant impact on the development of the country. Also, Kazakh artists often depicted the beauty of the Kazakh land. A special place is occupied by the works of the Russian painter V.V. Vereshchagin - “In the mountains...


Cities of Kazakhstan

Traveling around the cities of Kazakhstan is not only exciting, but also educational. There are enough cities in Kazakhstan whose history goes back to antiquity, and there are cities that amaze even avid travelers with their unusual architecture. A city of a new era, a modern metropolis, the northern capital of Kazakhstan - Astana. Structures such as “Baiterek” have no analogues in the world. This building is worth...


Year of Culture in Kazakhstan, when?

Today, Kazakhstan is experiencing a period of revival of the culture of the Kazakh people; undoubtedly, since 1990, a new stage in the history of Kazakh culture has begun. National holidays were revived, and Nauryz became a national holiday. The once lost musical and poetic aitys also became popular - this is the bright improvised art of the Kazakh people. During the years of independence, the state actively supported the development of culture...


Kazakh culture

As a people, the Cossacks are very hospitable people. Usually, when someone comes from far away, they are ready to warmly welcome strangers, they will give them the famous Kazakh tea and local downloaded food, you can be sure that if a foreigner gets lost in the vast territory of the Kazakh people, they will take care of him. The reason for such hospitality is upbringing, with...