Sights of Aktau

In the southwestern part of Kazakhstan on the Mangyshlak peninsula there is a relatively young city of Aktau. In the 60s of the 20th century territory of Mangistau deposits of uranium and oil were found in the region, which contributed to the birth of the city. Today Aktau is the country's only seaport intended for international transport from Europe to Asia, which passes through the Caspian and Black Seas, the Volga-Don and White Sea-Baltic canals. The city is unique in that it lives entirely on artificial water obtained as a result of desalination of sea water.

The white-stone city of Aktau is located on the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea on Cape Melov. The main attractions of Aktau are modern buildings, cultural and entertainment institutions, monuments to outstanding personalities and, of course, the lighthouse, which is installed on the roof of a residential building.

One of the city’s attractions is Mangistau state historical and cultural reserve. The museum has two halls containing exhibits of archeology and historical and architectural monuments.

 Mangystau The regional museum of history and local lore is the largest cultural center of Kazakhstan and the main attraction of the city. The museum has 9 exhibition halls, more than 50 thousand exhibits.

 163526Another attraction of Aktau is the “Ark” Gallery of Contemporary Art. It hosts exhibitions of paintings, decorative arts, photography, and craft training.

Among the city's monuments, the following stand out: Monument to Caravel Columbus Santa Maria, a memorial sign in the form of a lighthouse, a monument to Kurzhimanuly Kashagan, a monument to Taras Shevchenko, a monument to the Mig-21 aircraft.

 The botanical garden is the pride of the city. The main task of the botanical garden staff is to conduct scientific work to create promising, biologically stable plant species for landscaping in the conditions of Mangistau. On an area of ​​29 hectares, 275 taxa of tree and shrub species and 102 floral, ornamental and herbaceous plants are represented.img_7548_jpg

Among the natural attractions of Aktau Valley of Balls stands out. The valley looks very unusual; it is all chaotically strewn with rounded stones of different sizes from a few millimeters to 2 meters in diameter. Where the stone balls came from and what their origin is still remains a mystery. An interesting fact remains that these balls emit energy unknown to science.

Ustyurt Plateau-former bottom of the ancient Tethys Ocean. The sea elements once raged here, traces of which in the form of fossilized sea inhabitants are still found today. The canyons and cliffs of Ustyurt present a picturesque landscape. The Ustyurt plateau attracts numerous tourists who want to personally walk through the unusual and fantastic places of Ustyurt.

Lake Saura another attraction of Aktau. This lake is unusual in appearance and has its own twin. Lake Saura is shrouded in many legends that have survived to this day.

 Among the two mountain ranges of the Karatau Mountains is the sacred Mount Sherkala. Once upon a time, caravans of merchants passed through here. The Great Silk Road. This very picturesque mountain, which was depicted by artists in their works

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